For my character I will be using a simple stick man so I will have more time to finish my drawings. A stickman is easy to draw over and over again so it will be time consuming for me to keep doing this. Most of my drawings will be relating to drawings such as stick figures.

I will find and use audio at the end of my video so I can find something that fits within the video. I will find a piece of audio or a song when I have completed my animation so I can see what will fit my final production.
The audio piece I chose to use is called Green Onions because it has a catchy tune to it.
Today I didn't get anything done because of software issues not letting me log on to the computer and not having up to date software so i couldn't get anyting done.
Here is a video showing a whiteboard animation and this relates to what I want to try and come up with but not as complicated.