Terry Gilliam is a famous cut out animation artist who had created the show 'Monty Python'. The show as created by many paper cut outs of various characters, these all involved weird illusions and movements that a normal body could not do. Terry usually created animation about political comedy with newspaper cutouts and characters he had designed.
Here is an image and a little animation that Terry had created.
Michel Ocelot
Michel Ocelot is a french animator, character designer and director of animated shows. He has a different perspective on Terry Gilliam as his work is mainly french cartoons. Here is one of his animated videos to show his work compared to Terry Gilliam.
Our Cut Out Animation
We are going to try and replicate a short film of a cut out animation with people playing instruments and people dancing. We will be creating this by using random cut outs of people and things within newspapers, catalogues and magazines. This will help us find various items that we may need. We will be using iStopMotion to create our short animation.
Here are some pictures of our characters.
With these 2 characters we will make them dance and play the banjo by moving various body parts to show them doing something weird and impossible. Our characters have been included with different body parts to make our characters weird. We will need to finish the cut outs in order to complete this.
You can make the cutout animation video easily with the help of tutorial and with the help of the modern software you can make anything you want. Thanks for sharing this post. cutout animation videos