Wacky races is an American Animated TV series which was produced by Hanna-Barbera. The series was inspired in 1965 by the film 'The Great Race'. Wacky races was shown on CBS from september 14 1968 to January 4 1969 which 17 episodes were produced featuring 2 different races each show.
Dick Dastardly and Muttley in the Mean Machine
The Slag Brothers in the Bouldermobile
The Gruesome Twosome in the Creepy Coupe
Professor Pat Pending in the Convert-a-Car
The Red Max in the Crimson Haybailer
Penelope Pitstop.
Sergeant Bash and Private Meekly in the Army Surplus Special.The Ant Hill Mob in the Bulletproof Bomb
Luke and Blubber Bear in the Arkansas Chuggabug
Peter Perfect in the Turbo Terrific.
Sergeant Bash and Private Meekly in the Army Surplus Special.The Ant Hill Mob in the Bulletproof Bomb
Luke and Blubber Bear in the Arkansas Chuggabug
Peter Perfect in the Turbo Terrific.
Looney Tunes
Looney Tunes is a warner bros. animated cartoon series The first release in the 1930's "Sinkin' in the bathtub" the series has became a worldwide media franchise with more t.v. programs , films, comics,and video games. Walt Disney was the creator of Looney Tunes but had help from many different people.
Buggs bunny
Buggs bunny
Some of the characters were:
Daffy Duck
Elmer Fudd
Goofy Porky Pig
Tweety and many more...
Popeye the Sailor was created by Elzie Crisler Segar. Popeye has appeared in comic strips and animated cartoons within the cinema aswell as on the tele. Popeye first appeared in the daily king features comic strip on January 17 1929. Popeye ate spinach to increase his muscle and strength to defeat a bad guy which must of had an impact on kids/viewers to eat spinach by showing the effect.
Popeye the Sailor was created by Elzie Crisler Segar. Popeye has appeared in comic strips and animated cartoons within the cinema aswell as on the tele. Popeye first appeared in the daily king features comic strip on January 17 1929. Popeye ate spinach to increase his muscle and strength to defeat a bad guy which must of had an impact on kids/viewers to eat spinach by showing the effect.
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