Family Guy
Modern Day Animation is based on cartoons with an adult and teenager humour. Both these types of humour can be found within shows such as South Park and Family Guy which are created by Seth Macfarlane. Some shows can cause people to feel annoyed or offended like Family guy and South Park due to the humour they add which is either repeated or offensive. Family Guy is usually on TV around 10pm where most adults would be most likely to watch it, this restricts children from watching it and refraining them from being offended. Here is some information about the show.
Genre | |
Format | Animated sitcom |
Created by | Seth MacFarlane |
Developed by |
Voices of |
Theme music composer | Walter Murphy |
Composer(s) |
The Simpsons
The Simpsons is created by Matt Groening and is aimed at an audience of teen/adult life. The Simpsons reflects on average families which can have something in common with. This show in my opinion is can be a little annoying but is not offensive in my views, the simpsons is a very common TV show usually played around 6pm. The Simpsons is a cartoon comedy which is suitable for all ages and doesn't contain much abusive language or horror. Here is some information about the show.
Genre | Comedy Satire |
Format | Animated sitcom |
Created by | Matt Groening |
Developed by | James L. Brooks Matt Groening Sam Simon |
Voices of | Dan Castellaneta Julie Kavner Nancy Cartwright Yeardley Smith Hank Azaria Harry Shearer (Complete list) |
Theme music composer | Danny Elfman |
Opening theme | "The Simpsons Theme" |
Composer(s) | Alf Clausen |
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